Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Research article
09 Dec 2013
Research article |  | 09 Dec 2013

Collisions of two breathers at the surface of deep water

A. I. Dyachenko, D. I. Kachulin, and V. E. Zakharov

Abstract. We present results of numerical experiments on long-term evolution and collisions of breathers (which correspond to envelope solitons in the NLSE approximation) at the surface of deep ideal fluid. The collisions happen to be nonelastic. In the numerical experiment it can be observed only after many acts of interactions. This supports the hypothesis of "deep water nonintegrability". The experiments were performed in the framework of the new and refined version of the Zakharov equation free of nonessential terms in the quartic Hamiltonian. Simplification is possible due to exact cancellation of nonelastic four-wave interaction.

Final-revised paper