Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
09 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 09 Sep 2015

Tsunami response system for ports in Korea

H.-R. Cho, J.-S. Cho, and Y.-S. Cho

Abstract. The tsunamis that have occurred in many places around the world over the past decade have taken a heavy toll on human lives and property. The eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula is not safe from tsunamis, particularly the eastern coastal areas, which have long sustained tsunami damage. The eastern coast had been attacked by 1983 and 1993 tsunami events. The aim of this study was to mitigate the casualties and property damage against unexpected tsunami attacks along the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula by developing a proper tsunami response system for important ports and harbors with high population densities and high concentrations of key national industries. The system is made based on numerical and physical modelings of 3 historical and 11 virtual tsunamis events, field surveys, and extensive interviews with related people.

Short summary
In this study, a response system is set up at harbors against unexpected tsunami attacks. The response system may contribute to mitigate natural disasters and provide guidelines for future disaster prevention researches.
Final-revised paper