Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
03 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 03 Dec 2018

Numerical and remote techniques for operational beach management under storm group forcing

Verónica Morales-Márquez, Alejandro Orfila, Gonzalo Simarro, Lluís Gómez-Pujol, Amaya Álvarez-Ellacuría, Daniel Conti, Álvaro Galán, Andrés F. Osorio, and Marta Marcos
Short summary
This work analyzes the response of a beach under a series of storms using a numerical model, in situ measurements and video imaging. Time recovery after storms is a key issue for local beach managers, who are pressed by tourism stakeholders to nourish the beach after energetic processes in order to reach the quality standards required by beach users.
Final-revised paper